Wednesday 12 October 2011

SEN film

Here is a brief scenario which I'd like you to work on in preparation for the filming on the 31st of October. 

The new teacher’s story:

  • Fictional story about a teacher with a difficult to manage class – (production: story scenario created by PGCE students)
  • PGCE students do the research into forms of SEN and how they can manifest in a classroom situation and from this generate some scripts for short scenes which can be role played. (scripts do not need to be tightly written but could provide scenarios which can be improvised around)
  • The drama fragments will include adults playing secondary students (but we will realise that this is to develop teacher awareness) 
  • Short scenes could including planning the lesson with head of department, the lesson, an issue or confrontation with student(s) who we will discover has some SEN, the effect on the lesson explored through the words of other students in the class (others who may also have some SEN which we don't see initially, a coaching session with a senior teacher, meeting with a parent/carer, the resolution with the student. The next planning session and lesson… 
  • Total length of piece to be 3-5 minutes - though we will be shooting a lot more.
  • To get students who will view the film to engage with the situation of how to plan and deliver successful classes, which include those who have SEN rather than exclude them.
Any questions please get in touch.

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